Why Books Make Great Gifts

* “Books make great gifts because they are an amazing way to kill time while your web site is buffering.” –Jon Stewart

* “Books make great gifts because they are a perfect way to get a conversation started.” -Barbara Walters

* “Books make great gifts because they make great friends. Your cherished book can hold your secrets, and you can tell it every secret you have. And, it can’t blab.” –Maya Angelou

* “Books make great gifts because they’re everybody’s favorite things.” –Julie Andrews

* “Books make great gifts because they’re not as hefty as fruitcake, but they’re enjoyable and they’re easy to devour.” –Rachael Ray

10 Reasons Why Books Make Great Gifts
1. Books don’t require batteries.
2. Books don’t require assembly.
3. Books don’t contain trans-fats.
4. Books are lead-free.
5. Books have a long shelf life.
6. Books are sized to fit everyone.
7. Books rarely go out of style.
8. Books have no small parts that could get caught in your throat.
9. Books won’t poke your eyes out.
10. Books won’t shatter when you drop them.

Top Five Reasons Why Guys Should Give Books as Gifts
5: She can’t connect with a new sweater like she can with a book.
4: Hey guys, they’re easy to wrap!
3: They come in all sizes, shapes and colors -what could be easier?
2: It’s cheaper than a romantic getaway but can produce the same result.
1: Books are gifts of love and joy and can create everlasting memories.

Top Five Reasons Why Girls Should Give Books as Gifts:
5: They’re easy to store on coffeetables, bookshelves, nightstands, floors or countertops.
4: They never go bad no matter how long they’re stored and they can be used quickly or savored over time.
3: Books can teach, educate, entertain and distract him from football.
2: Its a small investment that can return dividends for life.
1: Books are the perfect gift of enjoyment that don’t require him to leave his chair.
source: ABA, Herr Memorial Library, Shelftalk

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